(Almost) all participants in 2022
More than 12 Cellists
Faculty: Prof. Jan Ickert, Prof. Roland Glassl, Prof. Christoph Schickedanz
Artists of the final concert 2022
Concert in the House Tanne
Bus ride to Haus Tanne
Concert in the hat museum in Lindenberg
The apparition of St. Anne in St. Martin 2021
Concert Bad Buchau in the right light
artists of the final concert 2022

Impressions 2022

Gallus chapel
In concert
Chaewon Lim (Viola)
all artists
Justus Schümmer, viola
Miriam Solle, viola
Mohamed Elsaygh, violoncello
Finally beer!
perfect timing
Last tips from Maestro Prof. Ickert in Bad Buchau
At the piano: Hilko Dumno
Jana Metasch explains the arpeggione
Maestro Schickedanz
In the right light: Unaí Sanchez, cello
all artists
Björn Gard, cello
concert shoes?
What's on the program today?
Elisabeth Hoffmann, cello
Jiyeong Yoon, violin and Uwe Brandt, piano
The culture floor in the hat museum
Hats, hats, hats...
Hats, hats, hats...
Jan Milajev, cello and Tomoko Ichinose, piano
Mufei Feng, cello und Tomoko Ichinose, piano
Haruka Ouchi, violin
Ziling Guo, violin and Uwe Brandt, piano
Entertainment with cello ensemble
Björn Gard, cello
All artists of the evening